Advance Methodologies for Assessment

Different Sports have different energy demands and energy expenditure. Through Examination of one’s intake is required to assess them. Methodologies like Sweat rate analysis, Body Composition, Heart Rate analysis, Basal Metabolic Rate, Blood Investigations etc. helps a lot to understand body’s Physiology to provide better Diet Plans.

Advance Methodologies for Assessment
One on One Counselling Sessions and Reporting

One on One Counselling Sessions and Reporting

Counselling plays an essential role when it comes to Dietary planning and execution. It is necessary to understand the socio-economic and environmental factors which also influences athlete’s nature of Diet.

Keeping Records and timely follow ups are required for effective supervision of Athlete’s Diet

Sports Specific Diet & Supplementation

As discussed above, Energy Demands varies from sports to sports. Amount of Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Hydration and Supplementations also differ accordingly.

Suggestion of specific diet along with adequate supplementation is required for an athlete for maximum efficiency.

Sports Specific Diet & Supplementation